Wednesday, March 23, 2011

tis the season...

Funny to me how every spring I feel its necessary to make a change or actively do something new in my life. I guess its because we've been trapped in the dark grey cold of winter for the past few months. Atlanta is beautiful in the spring. I'm lucky... I work in an urban Park downtown and there are days when I just want to be out there, in it, and its totally "part of the job". The other day I was walking around with my camera and came across this...

Paul and I have also made a few changes in our place. I wanted to paint but couldn't find a color I was ready to commit to and then I saw this on one of my favorite blogs,

So we did a similar version in our living room and I love it! one of my favorite things about it is that it changes with the different lighting. Here's the before...

Now all I need is to figure out small inexpensive ways to bring a little more spring in.
Maybe just some flowers...

or these vases from West Elm....

Loving this outside weather! Happy spring y'all!


  1. i support ALL things spring!!! AND....the more frequent updating of your blog!!!

  2. My friend Mary also posted the last picture on her blog a few days ago too! Where are those from?

    You should go thrift store shopping to find some cute glass vases. and flowers from Trader Joe's because the last FOREVER! (ok,like 3 weeks)

    one day I'll have a bathroom like the one you posted. I love your stripes!!

    love this post!

  3. Carly-I forgot to post the website but they are from west elm (of course) I love vases and flowers! Thrift store shopping DONE...That would be so fun and on one of the blogs I follow they show you how to stain glass vases different colors! That would be a fun project! Me and you have lots of future projects haha we gotta make some of them happen! I LOVE the stripes!

    Kimber-I knew you would be happy to see a new post! I'm going to try and be better about it! :)
